Your support changes lives.
Seis Puentes can’t do it alone and we love to collaborate! If your organization would like to become a partner, please reach out. We would love to work with you!
Your support changes lives.

Seis Puentes can’t do it alone and we love to collaborate! If your organization would like to become a partner, please reach out. We would love to work with you!

Located at 405 Main Street, in the heart of North Little Rock’s Argenta Arts District, the Argenta Community Theater serves as a centerpiece of a vibrant artistic community. From crowd-pleasing musicals to vibrant new works to theatrical classics, there is truly something for everyone to love on the ACT stage. But, there is so much more to this state of the art facility than just our top-notch plays and musicals! Argenta also coordinates educational programs for all ages, hosts community and cultural events, and is available as a flexible venue for weddings, events, performances and more.
Founded in 2010 Vincent Insalaco (Seis Puentes Board Member) and Judy Tenenbaum, The Argenta Community Theater strives to bring performance and participation in the arts to Central Arkansas now, and for generations to come.
“I love the classes, excellent education, and excellent, helpful group.
– May Arias Roca
Become a partner.
Cuida a los que te cuidan- take care of the people who take care of you. Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.

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